Community Care and Covid-19: Our Statement

Community Care in the Era of Covid-19

The Healing Collective acknowledges that mental health supports are a vital part of public health, and that for many, therapy is a vital service. In the wake of suggestions from public health officials to practice physical/social distancing, we’ve come up with a community-care minded business continuity plan that will allow us to continue providing services in this important moment while we do our best to protect vulnerable clients and practitioners.

– If you have traveled outside of Canada in the past week, or plan to travel, please arrange a phone or video session with your therapist for the two weeks following your travel. We are recommending our therapists use VSee, a secure and confidential service.

– If you are diagnosed with or have any symptoms that align with Covid-19, please arrange to reschedule your appointment, or schedule a phone or video session until you are cleared, or have spent the Toronto Public Health recommended amount of time quarantined, if you are found to have it.

– If you are healthy and have no reason to believe that you may carry Covid-19, please attend your session as normal, but in order to reduce potential contact, please bring your own travel mug or water bottle.

– The Healing Collective strongly suggests that you wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds as you enter the space. There is hand soap and paper towel available in the washroom and in the waiting room sink.

– We are working with Lost + Found to maintain as high a level of cleanliness in the space as possible.

– Lysol wipes are available on site. Please ask your practitioner if you would like a surface wiped before your session.

Here are some helpful links on social distancing, mental health, and how you might wish to apply it:


If you’d like to see a therapist, in person, over the phone, or over video, please email us at or contact our practitioners directly here.

Thank You!

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