Establishing a simple yet efficient skin care ritual is extremely important especially during the long winter months. We often neglect taking care of our skin properly because we view it as another thing to take care. However, our skin needs proper care in order to thrive and stay healthy. In this workshop, you will learn how to create your own skin care ritual to
• gently oil cleanse your skin
• do a mild exfoliation
• use facial mists and water serums
for daily hydration and
• moisturize using nourishing moisturizers and oil serums
*All products used in the workshop are Canadian and made in small batches using clean, organic and plant-based ingredients.
More information and tickets can be found here.
Maria Velve is a certified makeup artist with 20 years experience in the beauty industry – retail, film and spa. Her transition to clean, green beauty products took place 4 years ago, after her youngest son was born with sensitive skin and eczema. She now helps women transition over to cleaner, local products through product consultations, makeup application and an online shop which carries clean, green Canadian brands from across Canada.